Interface of EPLAN Electric P8 to Windchill

An interdisciplinary engineering requires the availability of the accompanying electrical information besides the mechanical data. iEPLAN for Windchill is an integrated, interactive direct interface from EPLAN Electric P8 to Windchil for the assignment of the electrical project data. All relevant electrical information is with that directly in Windchil at the user’s disposal in the form of object structures, metadata as well as PDF documents.

iEPLAN is integrated directly in EPLAN Electric P8. The user can transfer a complete EPLAN project to Windchill or update changes at the touch of a button after a corresponding authentication. The project data are made as a PART with the accompanying metadata as attributes in Windchill. As further information part lists, projections in PDF format etc. are provided.

The following EPLAN project data are submitted to Windchill:

  • Name of project and attributes of EPLAN project
  • Project structure and parts list
  • Project documents in PDF format
  • Structural combinations between the EPLAN project, the parts list elements and accompanying documents

An EPLAN project is newly made as PART (project component) in Windchill or, if it already exists, updated and correspondingly completed. EPLAN project names and numbers are taken as name and number for the project component. All further information of the project (date, begetter …) can be shown as attributes of the project component. The assignment of the EPLAN attributes is configurable to the PART attributes.

An EPLAN project is newly made as PART (project component) in Windchill or, if it already exists, updated and correspondingly completed. EPLAN project names and numbers are taken as name and number for the project component. All further information of the project (date, begetter …) can be shown as attributes of the project component. The assignment of the EPLAN attributes is configurable to the PART attributes.

iEPLAN already recognizes available projects automatically and then carries out a version change of the projects to be updated. All change stands of the project are available with that. The project parts list provided from EPLAN is fed and checked for changes at already consisting projects by iEPLAN.

The components of the parts list also are shown as PART and correspondingly updated at changes. All attributes of the parts list are taken over to Windchill with the help of appropriately configurable attributes. The parts list structure of the project is produced in Windchill as a PART structure.
iEPLAN can interpret your operating supplies indicator according to DIN EN 61346 when required and generate corresponding components  automatically to still show the structure of the parts lists in Windchill in greater detail. Documents, such as the EPLAN project report, being part of the EPLAN project can be very loaded and assigned to the corresponding objects by iEPLAN. These documents are in Windchill as DOCUMENTs inclusive of all change stands, at the disposal.

iEPLAN was developed and realised by aristos – Engineering Services & Solutions and Software Factory GmbH.

Projektdatenübertragung mit iEPLAN

Fig. 1: Transfer of project data with project report

Supported hardware and software:

iEPLAN for Windchill is available for the current and supported versions of PTC Windchill.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you require more information, or if you are looking for something else.


Download your iEPLAN product flyer here!