Collecting and analyzing digital product data from engineering, manufacturing and distributed systems is more important than ever before. The data can bring up new approaches in maintenance and servicing as well as describe the entire product development process. All this is better known as Machine Learning.

Combined with our solutions for CAD, PLM, IoT, MES and AR/VR, you are well prepared for future challenges allowing you to bring forward innovations for your products, processes and employees. Start this digital journey with us!


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Digital Engineering

Innovations and ongoing development demand ever greater levels of collaboration. And it is not just the various areas of development – i.e. mechanics, electronics/control technology and software – that require the intensive exchange of information. The detailed requirements placed on products and the development process also have to be defined and harmonized with the departments responsible for marketing, assembly, documentation and after-sales/services. The wealth of information that, in most cases, is currently present in a number of different documents has to be synchronized and maintained. There must also be simple, structured ways of accessing it.

That is why we offer a comprehensive portfolio of software tool modules that supports a combined concept comprising Model-Based Systems Engineering and extended by Product Line Engineering, Product Lifecycle Management, Application Lifecycle Management, Software Engineering and end-to-end design from the CAD through to the enterprise’s process chain.

Digital Manufacturing & Operations

The challenge of reducing costs and boosting quality and efficiency in the production process is primarily a question of information. Our range of solutions in this area embraces highly integrated information processing, the needs-based preparation of production data and intelligent process control. This extends from data acquisition and visualization to system workflow control (SCADA), statistical process control (SPC), job planning and control, and the optimization of enterprise-wide inbound logistics to operational effectiveness (OEE) and energy management.

Our portfolio of solutions contains standard software components that provide the required functionality for configuration and commissioning, administration and live operation through to the in-process statistical analysis of quality-related information and secure service access. In this way, complete systems can be designed quickly, implemented appropriately, configured rapidly for use on any given production line, and operated efficiently.

Digital Service

Alongside the spare parts business, service departments offer growing potential for additional services and software products. The call for new, redefined business models in the service sector is growing ever louder and reflects the desire to generate new value added both internally and for the customer. At the same time, the IT/OT functionality required for this is increasing in complexity.

We help develop technical concepts and create solutions that provide the necessary functionality. These include, for example, secure service access, predictive maintenance, the tracking and tracing of assets, Machine Learning and Augmented Reality.

Industrial Cyber Security

The tasks of ensuring or boosting customer benefits in the face of changing constraints and of further optimizing efficiency continue to be a focal point in the production world. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to use shop floor data and to generate relevant information through the overarching networking of systems, production units, factories and companies. The reliable, permanently secure operation of globally networked machines and systems is therefore becoming a key challenge.

We will therefore help you implement the fundamental recommendations for action and minimum requirements for protective measures as described in the “Industry 4.0 Security Guidelines”. These constitute a certain basic level of protection for machines and systems. In this case, a corresponding product function is assigned, with the result that it is only necessary to identify and implement the protective measures that are relevant for the application scenario in question during development. These protective measures can be both organizational and technical in nature. By focusing on the relevant protective measures, companies can significantly enhance security with a manageable outlay.


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