SF ModelCHECK Extensions
Extensions for the check and automated repair of standards and guidelines
SF ModelCHECK Extensions is an addon for the OOTB ModelCHECK application for Creo, which extends the functionalities
for adherence to the specifications in the design process and thus ensures CAD data quality and the integration
for the subsequent process chains on a broader basis.
Improve your CAD Data quality
ModelCHECK OOTB uses a configurable list of company design standards and best modeling practices. Each company defines company specific model standards and designs guidelines for its assemblies, components and drawings. With ModelCHECK Extensions, the ModelCHECK extends the product scope of PTC Creo Parametric and gives you the possibility to improve the quality of your CAD models by using new additional check criteria.
Check and/or repair using SF ModelCHECK Extensions
- Tolerance Standard (PRT-, ASM- and DRW-Mode)
Checks and sets the tolerance standard (ANSI or ISO)
- 3D Views (PRT- and ASM-Mode)
Checks existence and orientation of views and creates missing views and/or reorients views with wrong orientation
- Unit System (PRT- and ASM-Mode)
Checks and redefines the type (MLT or FLT) and the units of the assigned unit system
- Layer States (PRT- and ASM-Mode)
Checks the existence of layer states and creates missing layer states
- Combined States (PRT- and ASM-Mode)
Checks the existence of combined states as well as the definition of the combined states regarding defined View, SimpRep, Display Style, Cross Section, Explode State and Layer State and creates missing combined states and redefines combined states with wrong defined View, Display Style and/or Layer State
- Simplified Representations (PRT- and ASM-Mode)
Checks the existence of simplified representations and creates missing simplified reresentations
- Cross Section (PRT- and ASM-Mode)
Checks the existence of cross sections
- Explode State (ASM-Mode)
Checks the existence of explode states and creates the missing explode states
- Component Display Style (ASM-Mode)
Checks the existence of component display Styles
- Geometric checks (PRT-Mode)
Checks tiny surfaces, short and/or sharp edges and small radius