Registration: Paperless Welding – Expert Day on September 19th, 2024

Secure your place today for the Expert Day “Paperless Welding – Automated welding with a continuous digital process chain from PTC Creo to the welding robot” on September 19th, 2024 at the Guttroff Technology Centre in Würzburg and find out how a digitized and automated process chain with PTC Creo and Fastsuite from Cenit can look in exciting presentations and live demos by Cenit and Software Factory together with Liebherr.

Enter your details here to secure a place at the Welding Day on September 19th, 2024. As the number of participants is limited, we ask for your understanding that we cannot guarantee participation in the event. You will receive a confirmation of participation from us shortly.

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Software Factory GmbH

Parkring 57-59
D-85748 Garching b. München

Phone: + 49 89 323 501-0
Fax: + 49 89 323 501-53