Software Factory offers workshops and training in the fields of CAD/CAM, PLM/PDM as well as IIoT with ThingWorx. Trainings are offered on-site in our own seminar rooms in a 1-week format (full day) and as online training with live trainer in a 2-week format (half day). Of course we would like to conduct in-house seminars at your company. Please use the request link provided below to find out more about scheduled events or for proposals concerning a date of your choice. We will then promptly send you a detailed offer following up your request.


PTC Creo Training


WEB.Link (JavaScript) Training for PTC Creo Parametric

WEB.Link is a free JavaScript-based programming interface for customizing, expanding and automating Creo. WEB.Link uses the Creo integrated browser and thus enables simple, fast and integrated development of user interfaces.

Training content:

  • Overview and differences between the Creo APIs
  • Installation and configuration of WEB.Link
  • Java fundamentals (optional)
  • Creating a WEB.Link application
  • Working with CAD models
  • Analysis of components (design elements and geometry)
  • Assemblies
  • Parameters and dimensions
  • Creating and modifying components and assemblies
  • Drawings

Prerequisites for participants: Knowledge of Creo and of programming in an object-oriented language.

Duration: 5 days

Cost: Upon request

Dates: by Appointment

J-Link (OTK Java Free) Training for PTC Creo Parametric

J-Link is a free and powerful Java-based programming interface for customizing, expanding and automating Creo.

Training content:

  • Overview and differences between the Creo APIs
  • Installation and configuration J-Link
  • Java basics (optional)
  • Creating a J- Link application
  • Working with CAD models
  • Analysis of components (design elements and geometry)
  • Assemblies
  • Parameters and dimensions
  • Creating and modifying components and assemblies
  • Drawings

Prerequisites for participants: Knowledge of Creo and basic knowledge of object-oriented programming, ideally in Java

Duration: 5 days

Cost: Upon request

We offer our online trainings in a 2 week format! (On-site trainings also available in a 1 week format)

Dates in 2025 (2 week):

CW 6/7 (03.02.2025 – 14.02.2025)

CW 20/21 (12.05.2025 – 23.05.2025)

OTK (Java) Training for PTC Creo Parametric

OTK (Object Toolkit) is a paid and powerful, Java-based programming interface for customizing, expanding and automating Creo. OTK is an extended version of J-Link.

Training content:

  • Overview and differences between the Creo APIs
  • Installation and configuration OTK
  • Java fundamentals (optional)
  • Creating an application
  • Working with CAD models
  • Analysis of components (design elements and geometry)
  • Assemblies
  • Parameters and dimensions
  • Creating and modifying components and assemblies
  • Drawings

Prerequisites for participants: Knowledge of Creo and basic knowledge of object-oriented programming, ideally in Java

Duration: 5 days

Cost: Upon request

Dates: by Appointment

Creo TOOLKIT and Creo Object Toolkit OTK (C/C++) Training

Creo Toolkit (C) and Object Toolkit OTK (C++) are paid and the most comprehensive and powerful programming interfaces for customizing, expanding and automating Creo. The Creo Toolkits can also be used to extend ModelCHECK´s test criteria.

Training content:

  • Overview and differences between the Creo APIs
  • Installation and configuration Toolkit/OTK
  • Java basics (optional)
  • Working with CAD models
  • Analysis of components (design elements and geometry)
  • Assemblies
  • Parameters and dimensions
  • Creating and modifying components and assemblies
  • Drawings

Prerequisites for participants: Knowledge of Creo and basic knowledge of programming an object-oriented language, ideally C++

Duration: 5 days

Cost: Upon request

We offer our online trainings in a 2 week format! (On-site trainings also available in a 1 week format)

Dates in 2025 (2 week):

CW 13/14 (24.03.2025 – 04.04.2025)

CW 28/29 (07.07.2025 – 18.07.2025)

Windchill Training

Windchill Customization Training

Find out more about the ways Windchill can be adapted with the Windchill Java API. Ideal as a guide to what is and is not possible. The subjects include, for example:

  • UI Customization
  • Services & Infrastructure
  • Dynamic Client Architecture (DCA)
  • Workflow

Duration and cost: Upon request

Dates: by Appointment

Training on IIoT with ThingWorx

Our workshops offer the opportunity to incorporate your unique requirements and use cases providing you the chance to develop first IIoT solutions in theory and practice during the courses. Our IoT workshops are as multifaceted as they are flexible.
After close consultation with you, we will develop an individual offer, which can be composed of different components from a variety of training courses.

Due to our IIoT trainings being individually adapted, they can be aimed at all target groups in your company – from software development to management. The duration and price of the trainings will depend on your requirements stated in the consultation. NEW: we offer this training online.

Take part in one of our next IIoT trainings or contact us directly!

CW 8 (17.02.2025 – 21.02.2025)

CW 20 (12.05.2025 – 16.05.2025)

IIoT at a Glance

Get a general overview of the Industrial Internet of Things and the fourth industrial revolution in our IIoT workshop. Practical hands-on content will illustrate key topics such as big data, machine learning, augmented reality (AR), IIoT security and cyber physical systems. In addition, topics such as new business models or IIoT protocols and platforms will be covered.

The IIoT topics include:

  • IoT, IIoT and Industry 4.0 – definitions
  • Application scenarios and business models
  • Cyber-physical systems and automation
  • Security and IIoT
  • Big Data and machine learning
  • Augmented reality (AR)
  • IIoT protocols and platforms

ThingWorx at a Glance

With ThingWorx, PTC offers one of the world’s leading IIoT platforms. In our workshop, you will get an overview of the platform with hands-on practical content. In order to do so, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of platform-based development based on the principle of “rapid application development” with practical application examples. The central components of the workshop are modelling, visualization and data management of applications based on the ThingWorx platform.

The ThingWorx topics include:

  • Introduction to the IIoT platform ThingWorx
  • Modeling and visualization in ThingWorx
  • Data storage in ThingWorx
  • ThingWorx security

Vuforia Studio

With the help of the ThingWorx component Vuforia Studio, a variety of augmented reality content can be developed for the ThingWorx environment. In our workshop, the participants learn the basics of development with Vuforia Studio for the AR component, visualization. It involves the display of content and instructions for the user as well as the interaction of the user with third-party systems and the AR application.

The Vuforia Studio topics include:

  • Augmented reality concepts
  • Vuforia Studio ecosystem
  • Navigation in Vuforia Studio
  • Vuforia Studio applications (incl. CAD content)
    • Visualisation
    • Instruction
    • Interaction
  • Vuforia Studio administration

Vuforia SDK

Vuforia’s Software Development Kit (SDK) enables the implementation of augmented reality applications for mobile devices. In this workshop we teach the theoretical and practical content of augmented reality (AR). You will get an overview of how to use the SDK on different platforms such as Unity, Android, iOS or UWP.

The ThingWorx SDK topics include:

  • Augmented reality concepts
  • Vuforia SDK for Unity, iOS, UWP and Android
  • Vuforia SDK features
    • Images
    • Objects
    • Environments
  • Development of augmented reality applications for Android and iOS
  • Vuforia SDK – Application extensions

ThingWorx Analytics

The ThingWorx component ThingWorx Analytics is the basis for machine learning in the ThingWorx field. In our workshop we will work through the basics of machine learning with ThingWorx Analytics. The focus is on the evolution of machine learning from “descriptive analytics” to “predictive analytics” and “prescriptive analytics”.

The ThingWorx Analytics topics include:

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Data Profiling, data transformation and feature engineering
  • Descriptive analytics
  • Predictive analytics
  • Prescriptive analytics

ThingWorx Navigate

Together with existing role-based applications that provide a simplified user interface to PLM, ALM or other systems, ThingWorx Navigate extends the ThingWorx platform. In our workshop, hands-on content provides you with an overview of ThingWorx Navigate and its extension options for existing and new applications.

The ThingWorx Navigate topics include:

  • Introduction to ThingWorx Navigate
  • ThingWorx Navigate Modeling
  • ThingWorx Navigate Integration Tier
  • ThingWorx Navigate Service Tier
  • ThingWorx Navigate Presentation Tier

ThingWorx Connectivity

In this workshop we will discuss the connectivity component of the IIoT platform ThingWorx. We will show you how to integrate edge or remote devices, PLCs, machines, applications or database systems into the ThingWorx platform. Different protocols, drivers and web services will be used to enable the systems to interact.

The ThingWorx Connectivity topics include:

  • Introduction to ThingWorx Connectivity technologies
  • ThingWorx REST interface
  • ThingWorx extensions (MQTT, JDBC, Custom Extensions)
  • ThingWorx SDKs
  • ThigWorx Edge Microserver
  • KEPServerEX

ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps

With the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps, PTC provides out-of-the-box applications to deliver production data in real time. In our workshop you will get an introduction to fast value creation with the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps from the installation and configuration to the application up to the extension of the applications.

The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps topics include:

  • Introduction to ThingWorx and the Manufacturing Apps
    • ThingWorx Controls Advisor
    • ThingWorx Production Advisor
    • ThingWorx Asset Advisor
    • Alert monitoring
    • Trending and troubleshooting
    • Administration and configuration

ThingWorx Administration

This training is about the administration and monitoring of the IIoT platform ThingWorx. We cover the hardware-technical requirements, the different architecture models including the database options of the platform, the application and system administration, version management and much more.

The ThingWorx Administration topics include:

  • ThingWorx platform design and hardware requirements
  • ThingWorx installation / upgrade / update
  • ThingWorx backup and restore
  • ThingWorx monitoring and logging
  • Directory Services
  • Rights / role management and authentication
  • ThingWorx version management
  • ThingWorx troubleshooting